• 07956 233850
  • admin@ppconsultancy.co.uk


    Each design project is a bespoke process. With extensive experience we create the optimum design solutions for each project.  Our knowledge of how buildings work helps us to ensure our designs are always implemented to the highest standards with each project correctly commissioned and all relevant client training and documentation in place.


    This service involves the survey of existing electrical, mechanical and public health services (Engineering Services) and the preparation of an Engineering Services Asset Register in the clients’ preferred format. This will be incorporated into an approved Contract document and competitively tendered utilising agreed service providers.

    This service involves a detailed survey of the existing electrical, mechanical and public health services throughout the property, detailing essential information pertaining to the installed equipment and referenced against a maintenance specification to finalise an Engineering Services Asset Register in the clients’ preferred format.


    PP Consultancy will manage our clients’ projects to ensure they are delivered on time and on budget.

    Given that each project is unique our management solutions are fluid to ensure our clients goals are achieved – safely, on time, on budget, and within scope.


    This service is to ensure that the maintenance provider meets the specified standards; to monitor and report on performance; and periodically review the condition of the engineering services. Additionally, the service includes an advisory facility to provide necessary support in all related technical matters.

    The audit service utilises a comprehensive audit that covers the full array of compliance checks, documentation reviews, physical inspections and financial account audit. This is with the aim of assessing the Contractor’s performance and identifying any technical defects/deficiencies that need addressing.


    PP Consultancy carry out a wide range of reports tailored to suit our clients specific requirements from Condition and Dilapidation reports through to pre-Acquisition Surveys all structured to give us an intrinsic knowledge of the Engineering Services installation.


    PP Consultancy understand the importance for any building manager to forecast the expenditure required on capital equipment at any given time and whether it is cost effective to continue repairing plant.

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